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It doesn't have to be this way...
We lose a life every 14 minutes due to distracted, drunk and drugged driving - and ALL of these are preventable!
How can we make a difference?
The solution is simple but not easy: Make distracted driving and drugged driving socially unacceptable.
Your donation to We Save Lives helps us...

It's the young drivers that we most want to impact with this. We create powerful PSA's in order to positively affect their behavior. We create these in such a way that they go viral to have the largest impact. (See #ReflectionsFromInside for example).

Create Commitment
Drunk, drugged, and distracted drivers account for more than half of all passenger vehicle fatalities. Over a third of the time, such drivers carry passengers who could have potentially stopped them but didn’t. Not to mention the countless bystanders who see these drivers about to engage in potentially deadly behavior and don’t say a word.
People have no problem speaking up when someone lights up a cigarette in a restaurant, but when it comes to the 3D's, we remain silent.
So we created and promote the Courage to Intervene - a promise that people make to intervene and prevent these activities before they start.

More than 2000 anti-drunk driving laws in the 1980's were created. They reduced impaired driving fatalities by 20%. We're doing the same for distracted and drugged driving. We're both advocating and raising support to get laws passed to dramatically reduce these unnecessary losses.