Join the WeSaveLives Movement
Share Your Story
Have you been impacted by a drunk, drugged or distracted driver? Your story reminds everyone that we are more than just a statistic.
Upcoming Traffic Safety Events
We Save Lives is dedicated to preventing the dangers encountered on the road by drivers, riders, cyclists, and pedestrians. Please share the blog posts and graphics below to your social media network - and help us save lives!
National Brain Injury Prevention Month
March5.3 million Americans live with a permanent brain injury-related disability.
Click here to read how distracted and drugged driving lead to the permanent brain injury of a 4-year-old boy and how it has affected his and his family's life since.

Spring Break
March - April
Spring Break is a time for students to have fun and make memories! Don't ruin a good time by driving impaired– and have the courage to intervene if you see a friend making an unsafe driving choice.

Stop Distracted Driving Month
AprilWe all know that distracted driving kills - but resisting the urge to pick up our phones while driving is tough. Let's work toward solutions for this pervasive and deadly habit.
Our Mission
To change dangerous driving choices and save lives by promoting realistic solutions and programs through education, advocacy and partnerships.