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Upcoming Traffic Safety Events

We Save Lives is dedicated to preventing the dangers encountered on the road by drivers, riders, cyclists, and pedestrians. Please share the blog posts and graphics below to your social media network - and help us save lives!

Our Mission

To change dangerous driving choices and save lives by promoting realistic solutions and programs through education, advocacy and partnerships.

We Save Lives News

October 15, 2023
Robyn Nethnagel Family on Beach

I Never Thought It Would Happen to Me

They say that sometimes life can change in a matter of seconds and that's what happened to me. We were visiting Frisco, Texas for a gymnastics meet. I was walking over to the event with my girls to watch their friends compete but I never made it to the competition that night. I also missed my daughter compete the next day all because an 18-year-old girl decided it was more important to look at the text on her phone than to pay attention to the road. Her decision to drive distracted has changed my life forever.
September 19, 2024

Margay’s Story