Thanks to our partners at Y & R, We Save Lives released a new anti-drunk driving campaign, Reflections from Inside. This video shows the reactions from patrons at a bar bathroom who are faced with the reflections of Kris Caudilla, a convicted drunk driver currently serving 15 years for vehicular manslaughter in a Florida prison. Reflections has been viewed more than 200 million times in every country we can think of and transcribed into numerous languages. It was featured on NBC News with Lester Holt, Adweek, the Huffington Post, among other press, plus shown on Omeleto and other major Facebook pages.
We are proud to say, the impact has been phenomenal! The comments numbered in the thousands and many came from people who drove drunk and said this video made them stop. Others came from victims, survivors, law enforcement and people who had never been affected by the crime but thought it was so powerful they shared it with their friends who drink and drive. It continues to be shown in driver education schools, VIP panels, law enforcement training and high schools.
We Save Lives was honored when the lifesaving video won the Grand Prize at the 2017 Global Road Safety Film Festival in Geneva, taking top honors over films on distracted driving produced in China and Slovenia.
It continues to be shown around the world.
Please share it with your friends, family and peers and see if it doesn’t make make them think twice before drinking and driving.
Reflections From Inside Featured in Media
NBC News - Man in the Mirror Sends Shocking Anti-Drunken-Driving Message
Time - Drunk Driving PSA Goes Viral With Emotional Message
Huffington Post - Here’s One Powerful Way To Discourage Drunk Driving
Yahoo News - Anti-drinking and driving campaign uses a DUI offender to send a powerful message
Adweek - Can This Man Convicted of DUI Manslaughter Scare Bar-Goers Into Not Drinking and Driving?
India Times - This Message From The Other Side Of A Mirror Makes A Real Difference And Saves Lives!
ABC 13 Houston - Man In Bathroom Mirror Delivers Powerful Anti-Drunk Driving Message
Techly - Mirror comes alive as DUI prisoner talks nightclub patrons out of drink-driving
World Star Hip Hop - Reflections From The Inside: A Powerful Campaign To Stop Drunk Driving!
Love this Pic - He's In A Night Club Bathroom Washing His Hands. Now Keep Your Eyes On The Mirror. WOW!
Little Things - Prisoners Tell Their Stories To Prevent People Drinking And Driving
Hero Viral - He’s Washing His Hands In A Nightclub Bathroom, Now Keep Your Eye On The Mirror. I’m SPEECHLESS
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