“This innovative sobriety program has reduced the likelihood for alcohol re-offenses by implementing drug and/or alcohol testing for first-time DUI offenders with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.17 or greater and any repeat DUI offenders.” –Justice Management Institute (JMI)
Impaired driving is a complex problem requiring multiple solutions. One of the biggest factors in reducing crime is swift and sure accountability. Unfortunately, because of backed-up and ill-equipped labs, law enforcement budget cuts, and the proliferation of plea bargaining, “swift and sure” is becoming a term of the past.
The 24/7 Sobriety Program can help reverse this trend, reduce recidivism, and attack the problem at its core: addiction.
Influencing behavior, reducing recidivism, and improving lives.
The 24/7 Sobriety Program is an evidence-based, innovative criminal justice concept with a non-traditional approach to reducing recidivism in crimes that have a nexus to alcohol or drug abuse. This unique program mandates offender sobriety through intensive testing for drug and alcohol use. It allows offenders to remain functioning members of society, free from incarceration—staying with their families and holding down jobs—if they abstain from the use of alcohol and/or drugs for the term of their program.
The techniques used to monitor compliance include daily positive reinforcement for compliant behavior and swift, certain and proportionate sanctions for non-compliant events. Positively reinforcing compliant behavior and holding participants accountable for their non-compliant behavior is believed to be directly related to the long-term impact on reducing recidivism.
In jurisdictions where the program is available, placement on the 24/7 Sobriety Program has been a prerequisite for:
- Condition of bond
- Post-sentence probation
- Drivers license reinstatement
- State corrections and parole services
- Family court
- Testing support for DUI and drug courts
The data indicates that the 24/7 program is particularly effective for individuals that are repeat DUI/OWI offenders and those with domestic violence convictions where their crime had a nexus to drug or alcohol use. Additionally, the 24/7 Sobriety Program is a provision included in many post-conviction sentences.
The 24/7 Sobriety Program has received positive feedback because it is cost efficient, has the ability to help manage jail and prison over population, enhances public safety, and has been demonstrated to be an effective tool in reducing recidivism
Not just another drug and alcohol monitoring program – 24/7 Programs are less about monitoring and more about helping participants change their long term behavior with regards to the misuse of alcohol and other drugs.
Addressing an unmet need – Most conditions of alternative sentencing require that an offender does not drink or take drugs for the term of their sentence. Historically, these conditions have been an idle threat as there has been little means or resources available to properly enforce this condition of sentence. 24/7 programs provide a viable a solution to this problem.
Swift and certain consequences – 24/7 programs monitor compliance and provide an immediate consequence if the offender fails to comply. Additionally, twice-daily testing at a central testing provides immediate, frequent, positive reinforcement for maintaining sobriety.
Low or no cost – Most 24/7 programs are set up as an offender pay program, so there is little or no cost to the taxpayer.
Scalable solution – 24/7 programs are scalable for both rural and urban applications.
Easy to deploy – 24/7 programs are not difficult to deploy. Resources are available to help you walk through the planning implementation and on-going program review process.
Addresses drug and alcohol related crime – 24/7 programs provide an answer for both offenders that have been involved in a crime that has a nexus to alcohol and/or drug abuse.
Integrates with other programs and treatment – 24/7 programs are a great way to streamline entry into Drug Courts, DUI Courts, and Veterans Courts so they can focus their attention and efforts on substance abuse users that need more intensive supervision.
Results – Peer reviewed data from the initial 24/7 programs are showing reduced rates of recidivism on both an individual level and for an entire community. The data indicates that reduction in recidivist behavior does not only occur for offenders of DUI, but reduced rates of domestic violence offenses have also been documented. 24/7 programs are intended to impact all crimes with a nexus to drug and alcohol misuse.
Growing list of implementers – 24/7 programs are gaining favor as an alternative to more costly and less effective programs. As of October 2105 three states are running statewide 24/7 sobriety programs, an additional seven are running or have approved legislation to start 24/7 pilot programs and an additional ten to twelve states are forming task forces to consider the implementation of a 24/7 sobriety pilot program. Additionally, the 24/7 Sobriety Program is a provision included in many post-conviction sentences. In fact, “South Dakota 24/7 Sobriety Program is now being featured as part of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Crime Solutions.”
Why should I consider this sobriety program?
In short the 24/7 Sobriety Program has received positive feedback because it is cost efficient, has the ability to manage jail and prison populations, enhances public safety, and has been demonstrated to reduce offenders’ recidivist behaviors.
What states use the 24/7 Sobriety Program ?

For more information on the 24/7 Sobriety Program, please visit:
NorthEast Florida Safety Council