100 Deadliest Days
Advocates want to transform the ‘100 Deadliest Days of Summer for Teens’ into the ‘100 Safest Days’
For Immediate Release – Washington, D.C.— For the first time, a dynamic group of nonprofits wants to drive attention to how everyone can encourage teen and parents to make the period from Memorial Day through Labor Day, what’s traditionally known as the “100 Deadliest Days,” into the “100 Safest Days.” The initiative emphasizes the critical role parents play, as they are the number one influencer of their teens’ driving attitudes and behaviors. By changing the culture and activating parents, this effort aims to significantly reduce the number of teen driving crashes and fatalities.
Organizers point to data, such as:
- Nationwide, 7,316 people died in teen driver-related summertime crashes (average of 812 deaths per year), based on 2012–2021 statistics. This was nearly half of the total number of those killed in teen driver crashes for the entire rest of the year.
- In comparison with adult drivers, young drivers are substantially over-involved in crashes. In 2021 drivers 20 and under made up 5.1% of licensed drivers in the United States, yet they made up 8.5% of total drivers in all fatal crashes and 12.6% of drivers in all crashes, according to the U.S. Dept. of Transportation.
- 60% of teen crashes today are caused by distracted driving.
The lead organizers of the initiative are:
- We Save Lives strives to change dangerous driving choices and save lives by promoting realistic solutions and programs through education, advocacy and partnerships. They focus on the 3 D’s, drunk, drugged and distracted driving.
- National Road Safety Foundation (NRSF) has been dedicated for more than 60 years to reducing crashes, deaths and injuries on our nation’s highways by promoting safe driving behavior through greater public awareness.
- Impact Teen Drivers develops, promotes, and facilitates evidence-based education to stop the number one killer of teens—car crashes, particularly those caused by reckless and distracted driving.
The other coalition members are:
- Brain Injury Alliance-New Jersey was founded in 1981 by a small group of concerned parents of children who had sustained brain injury, and now provides education, advocacy, support, and hope for people with brain injury and their families in New Jersey.
- Florida Teen Safe Driving Coalition is comprised of more than 47 organizations, teens, parents and crash victims, committed to equipping teens with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to make informed decisions and develop responsible driving behaviors.
- Gweedo Memorial Foundation was founded after the death of Joseph Conner Williams Guido, who died tragically at age 16 in an automobile crash. Their mission is to raise awareness among new teenage drivers and their parents about the dangers of destructive driving decisions.
- Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) empowers and mobilizes students and adult allies to engage in positive change through leadership and smart decision-making.
- Teens in the Driver Seat started in 2002 and is a peer-to-peer safety program that educates teens about the top five dangers of teen driving to help teens develop safer driving habits and avoid crashes. TDS is a recognized peer-to-peer teen traffic safety program by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
- Youth of Virginia Speak Out (YOVASO) engages, educates, and empowers youth to influence a safe driving culture through leadership development and innovative outreach programs.
- Washington Regional Alcohol Program (WRAP) works to prevent drunk driving and underage drinking in the Washington-metropolitan area through public education, innovative health education programs and advocacy.
Candace Lightner, the founder and president of We Save Lives and a longtime activist, says, “I’m impressed by the reach and influence of this coalition. We’ve agreed that we can harness positive messages and communication to help teens turn the 100 deadliest days into the 100 safest days of summer. Our teens have their whole lives in front of them — we need to keep motivating them and their parents throughout the whole summer and not just at the beginning of the campaign. We also need to emphasize the life-saving importance of speaking up and intervening when they see anyone, including their parents, engage in unsafe driving. We encourage everyone to sign The Courage to Intervene promise as just one of the many solutions we’ll be highlighting.”

People across the country are signing the Courage to Intervene Promise and letting everyone know they will not ride with anyone who is drunk, drugged, distracted.
Statistics show that in 2020:
- About 16% of all traffic fatalities were passengers in vehicles.
- 24% of deaths in passenger vehicles (cars, SUVs, pickups, vans, and minivans) were passengers.
- 6,275 vehicle passengers were killed in crashes.
- 56% of the deaths of teenage passengers in passenger vehicles occurred in vehicles driven by another teenager. Among deaths of passengers of all ages, 15% occurred when a teenager was driving

Take Action and Get Involved
- Share the National Passenger Safety Logo on your website
- Download the Courage To Intervene Promise, and add your logo at the bottom
- Sign the Courage To Intervene Pledge and encourage others to sign the pledge
- Download and Share our social media graphics
- Pin #NationalPassengerSafetyWeek post to top of feed
- If you develop your own social media, please consider adding the NPSW logo, and the hashtag #PassengersSpeakUp
- Write opinion editorials for your local newspapers; supporting the importance of passenger safety
- Write blogs emphasizing the need for empowering passengers
- Share stories of passengers you know have intervened
- Download and share our Courage to Intervene checklist

Laura's Story
Do You Know with Whom Your Teen is Riding?
Melinda Lynam will never forget the day when she learned that her daughter, Laura, was killed in a crash as a passenger in a car with 7 teens including the 16-year-old driver. Under the Graduated Driver Licensing Law in Virginia, the driver was only allowed one extra person who wasn’t a family member. Unbeknownst to Melinda, Laura and her friends had decided to all ride in one car. Despite the driver’s age and restrictions, two mothers watched as their children piled into the car. Neither parent expressed any concern over the number of passengers or the inexperience of the driver. If they had, Laura might be alive today.
Do You Have The Courage to Intervene?
We see a friend who’s had too much to drink at a party walking to their car and we don’t stop them.
We watch as a family member picks up a phone call behind the wheel.
We let a friend leave our house to drive to the store after smoking some marijuana “because it’s just down the street.”
These things happen countless times every single day, and they frequently end with arrests, shame, humiliation, huge fines, and many times these choices end in injury and death. Whatever the outcome, people are usually left wishing that they had done something more.
- If only I had stopped that friend from driving drunk.
- If only I had said something when the driver picked up that phone call.
- If only I told my friend to keep their marijuana use at home.
- If only I had the Courage To Intervene.
One courageous voice can stop one deadly choice.
Have the Courage to Intervene.
Questions to ask your teen before they become a passenger:
![iStock-540567190 [Converted]](https://wesavelives.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/iStock-540567190-Converted.png)
Does the driver have a valid driver’s license?
How much experience do they have driving?
How long have they been driving?
Is the car in good working condition?
Are they wearing seat belts in the car?
Will you promise to always buckle up?
Do they like to speed?
Do we know the driver of the vehicle?
If not, are they willing to meet with us when they pick you up?
Will they give us your destination and will you call us if there is a change in plans?
Do you have your proper identification with you just in case something happens?
Will the driver share with us their parents contact info?
How many other passengers will be in the car?
What time will you be home?
Will you promise to call me if the driver is under the influence so I can pick you up?
Do you know if the driver is on any kind of medication that may interfere with their driving?
Do they use their cell phone or Bluetooth while driving?
Will you sign the Courage to Intervene Promise? Will you let the driver know you have signed the promise?
Courage to Intervene PSAs
Get Social
We’ve assembled social media graphics for you to help raise awareness on the importance of passenger safety. Use the button below or click to download the Social Media Content Kit… Be sure to use the hashtags #NationalPassengerSafety #NPSW #PassengersSpeakUp and tag us on social media @WeSaveLives @NRSForg
Kids Speaking Up for Road Safety
Traditionally, students learn about distracted driving in high school, at or just before they will get their licenses. End Distracted Driving and Safe Roads Alliance didn’t want to wait until teens are ready to drive to teach them about distracted driving. Working with elementary teachers and experts, the program helps parents and educators teach students about the dangers of distracted driving and pedestrian safety. Students are taught to recognize when their drivers are distracted and how to respectfully, using “I” statements, speak up and ask drivers to put their phones down.
We need your help in creating a generation of kids who won’t drive distracted when they do get their licenses.
This is Why We Need to Empower Passengers to Speak Up
My daughter was killed in a single vehicle crash caused by her father who had a .22 BAC and he was loaded with marijuana. I was working two jobs at the time and I went to my second job. I actually talked to him on the phone and begged him not to take Cydnye with him, but he didn’t listen. I feel so guilty, I should have done something more, threatened to call the police or something. Why didn’t I?
Evan Bard was a beautiful, vibrant young woman who was killed in May of 2013 in an impaired driving crash. She and her fiancé were attending the wedding of her best friend when they decided to leave. They were both obviously impaired and despite the bride’s concerns, she said nothing while Evan and her fiancé piled into their car, both too drunk to drive. On the way home Evan’s fiancé crashed into a pole killing her and injuring him. If only someone had the “courage to intervene” Evan would be alive today.
I have lost a friend this week. We met in college, and both had two beautiful daughters that went to preschool together. She died in a crash and I found out because her daughter (14) posted on Facebook. Three days after the news of her untimely death I found out she was the passenger of a vehicle that was being driven by her drunken boyfriend. He was driving the wrong way on a one-way street. He was going to hit another vehicle head on but swerved so impact was on the passenger side which killed her instantly. Why didn’t she stop him from driving or find another way home?

Taylor & Meredith’s Story
Two beloved sisters were tragically killed that morning when the vehicle they were in left the road, struck an embankment and then a tree. […]

Kendal’s Story
I remember all the vivid and surrealistic details of that fate-filled day. I can recite what I had on and the section of the coveted Sunday […]

Connor’s Story
On April 10, 2011, my son, Connor was killed as a passenger in a single vehicle, distracted driving crash. He was just 21 years old. He […]

Cole’s Story
My only child, my son, Cole Kilgore was a loving, loyal, charismatic young man with beautiful blue eyes and an engaging bright smile. From a young […]
My son was suddenly taken from me on December 15, 2019, by a drunk driver, his so-called friend. My son was a passenger in a single vehicle crash. My son was killed and the driver survived. The driver, his friend, left him on the side of the road and didn’t try to get help. The driver only got 3 years. My son is gone for an eternity.
Today is my son’s 12th year in heaven. He was riding in the back of a car driven by a 16-year-old, who had his license for only 30 days, who was also drinking and high on pot. I try not to get angry, but sometimes it’s hard. The driver also died. But someone’s lack of responsibility took my son from me. He was only 16.