$5.5 Million Support for Grant Programs to Fund Task Forces Preventing Sideshows and PSAs

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Support Letter for AB2000 speeding
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$5.5 Million Support for Grant Programs to Fund Task Forces Preventing Sideshows and PSAs

“Take Action and Keep Others from Driving Dangerously”

May 11, 2022

Assemblymember Cristina Garcia
Chair, Assembly Budget Subcommittee 5
Capitol Office, 1021 O Street, Suite 8140

Assemblymember Phil Ting
Chair, Assembly Budget Committee
State Capitol, Room 6026

RE: $5.5 Million Support for Grant Programs to Fund Task Forces Preventing Sideshows and PSAs

Dear Chairs Garcia and Ting,

We Save Lives, an organization that offers a representative voice on highway safety issues, focusing on the “3 D’s” –drugged, drunk and distracted driving, respectfully request your support for a state budget allocation of $5.5 million to curb dangerous sideshow activities that is increasing in the State of California.

Illegal sideshows pose serious danger to the participants, spectators and the community. This support state and local task forces to end dangerous sideshow activities that have become a major public safety challenge for law enforcement officials and communities throughout the state.

Law enforcement agencies have recently seen a major uptick in sideshow events, as these underground activities usually occur at night.

Multi-agency sideshow enforcement operations with both state and local partners have been effective at preventing sideshows, as they are able to dedicate staff and resources specifically for this purpose.

This budget request is consistent with We Save Lives’ effort “to support and promote solution driven policies and programs that save lives by changing dangerous driving choices through viral awareness, education, advocacy and partnerships.” Therefore, I respectfully ask for your support.

Thank you,

Candace Lightner
Founder of We Save Lives and Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)

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