We Save Lives Thanks Our Highway Safety Advocates

We Don't Say Thank You Enough

Recent research suggests that we thank people more than 2000 times a year but we don’t mean it about half the time. That’s sad because there is no doubt in my mind that thanking people brings joy, a feeling of self-worth and well- deserved recognition. I also feel that highway safety advocates are vastly under-appreciated especially by the public at large. They may get peer recognition but rarely if ever, do you see them honored at the Kennedy Center, White House or other venues honoring outstanding individuals (present company excluded) This despite the fact that they save lives day in and day out and usually for a nominal fee, or sometimes no fee and extraordinary work.

Thank You Advocates

We Save Lives Announces the #BUTNOTWHILEDRIVING Movement

Crashes caused by distracted driving kill nine people every day.

And the problem is growing. Deaths caused by distracted drivers climbed by 9% in 2015 alone.

Why? Because too many drivers still see distractions as socially acceptable.

A recent survey found 98% of drivers think distracted driving is dangerous, but 66% still admit to doing it.

In fact, one of every four drivers admits to reading emails while driving – and almost all reply to emails while driving.

That is why people are urging their friends and family, with every email they send – the choice to drive distracted is as deadly and shameful as drunk driving!

Help us spread the message by saying with every email #BUTNOTWHILEDRIVING!

Learn More & Join the Movement Here


Join the movement and let your friends and family know that you will not drive distracted. Take the pledge and help make distracted driving socially unacceptable. Encourage your friends and family to do the same.

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#BUTNOTWHILEDRIVING: Take Action and Promise your loved ones that you will not let them drive drunk, drugged or and distracted. Ask them to do the same for you.

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Have you been impacted by a drunk, drugged or distracted driver? Your story is important. It is a reminder to everyone that we are more than just a statistic and may prevent someone from driving recklessly.

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Our Mission

To support and promote solution driven policies and programs that save lives by changing dangerous driving choices through viral awareness, education, advocacy and ongoing partnerships.