Candace Lightner will be the Keynote Speaker for the 2017 International Boating and Water Safety Summit on April 24th from 10:15am – 11:15am. She will also be meeting with the survivors of boating crashes at the Engaging Survivors Meet and Greet the evening of April 22nd and will be a Speaker during the “Dealing with Grief” Workshop on the morning of April 23rd.
Keynote: The Making of a Movement and Affecting Change
How do you take a behavior that is socially acceptable and change decades-old attitudes and a way of life for many? Ms. Lightner will speak about the trials and tribulations, joys and victories of making impaired driving socially unacceptable and reducing death and injuries on our roadways. She will talk about overcoming the obstacles she faced including the prediction of many highway safety officials who said it couldn’t be done. She will address lessons learned and why partnerships and coalitions are so important. Ms. Lightner will also talk about how she applied those lessons to her current organization, We Save Lives, a partnership organization that focuses on the 3 D’s (drunk, drugged and distracted driving) that includes all modes of transportation.