13 car crashes occur on our roads every minute.
Countless lives are ruined, bodies are mutilated, and hearts are broken, often due to negligent behaviors like driving drunk, drugged, or distracted. The fight against reckless and dangerous drivers is not easy, but by working together, we can make a difference and encourage others to #StopTheseChoices. You have the power to EDUCATE, ADVOCATE and SAVE LIVES through a donation to We Save Lives.
Checks can be sent to:
5900 Barclay Dr
Suite 150842
Alexandria VA 22310
5900 Barclay Dr
Suite 150842
Alexandria VA 22310
We need YOUR HELP. Donate with a one-time contribution, or become a monthly sustainer.
If you're are using PayPal, you will need to log in to your PayPal account on the next page to complete your donation
We Save LivesSM is a 501(C)(3) tax exempt non-profit corporation. Your donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law, please consult your tax professional.

Cari Lightner
WE NEED You to Take Action.
Your generous contributions support our efforts and have helped fund life-saving solutions, including: