Rhode Island – You Can Save a Life Now

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September 19, 2016
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September 19, 2016

Rhode Island – You Can Save a Life Now

Contact your legislator and tell them to support S2255

Gov of RI Gina RaimondoGovernor Gina Raimondo supports a cell phone ban and needs your help to make this happen.

Won’t you help make Rhode Island roads cell phone free?

Contact information for the representatives can be found here.

You can find your legislator here.

Senate Bill No. 2255

BY  Senators Sosnowski, Walaska, Lombardo, Coyne, Algiere


MOBILE TELEPHONE USE (Prohibits the use of a non-hands-free personal wireless

communication device while operating a motor vehicle, except for public safety

personnel or in an emergency situation, and provides for monetary fines for

violations.) {LC4403/1}


We Save Lives Supports

RE: S2255   



Senator Sosnowski
Room 114, Rhode Island State House
Providence, Rhode Island 02903

Dear Senator Susan Sosnowski:

We Save Lives is an international organization with more than 50 partners from around the world. We focus on the 3D’s. drunk, drugged and distracted driving.  We Save Lives is pleased to support S2255, a bill that would ban cell phone use while driving in the state of Rhode Island.  S2255 would send a clear message to Rhode Island drivers that any cell phone use including hands free driving is unacceptable.  We must make distracted driving as socially unacceptable as drunk driving.  https://wesavelives.org/3ds/distracted-driving/

This bill is a logical step in encouraging an attitude change among today’s smart phone addicted drivers, especially those young people who believe that 24/7 availability to friends is necessary for their survival.  Unfortunately, it can also cause their death when common sense is replaced by dangerous driving choices.  We support your efforts in taking a leadership role in introducing the appropriate laws that will both educate people about the dangers of distracted driving and provide the necessary consequences when drivers choose to ignore public safety.

Saving lives is the primary concern of We Save Lives and that is why we support S2255. It is also the right thing to do.  As this bill targets only those individuals who believe that driving dangerously and irresponsibly is their right, it will send a strong message about the dangers of cell phone use and driving.


Candace Lightner



02/04/2016 Introduced, referred to Senate Judiciary

02/05/2016 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (02/09/2016)

02/09/2016 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

02/23/2016 Scheduled for consideration (02/25/2016)

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