Rick & his Fiancé Kelley were on their way home from the movies when a drunk driver crashed into the front driver side of their SUV. Kelley was conscious but injured and taken to a local hospital. She eventually recovered from her physical injuries. Rick was unconscious….Emergency personal used the Jaws of Life to remove him from the mangled vehicle. They attempted to save his life but Rick died from numerous broken bones, internal bleeding, and cardiac arrest. The officers at the scene recognized Rick as the brother of Officer Ron Flores.
“The void of losing my Dad has left me with grief that is sometimes unbearable. I miss his weekly visits, his phone calls just checking in with us to make sure his babies were ok, and his daily texts just to say, “I love you”. I miss every single thing about him. Every time I look at my babies I see him in them and it kills me to know that he will never see them grow up or watch me be a mommy.” Nichole Flores Lopez
Rick Flores was killed in a violent crime. He had so much to live for, and yet a drunk driver made a deadly choice that changed this family’s life forever.