My very first memory in my 43 years was impacted by impaired driving. It shaped my life forever and continues to do so. I imagine even as an old woman dying, my thoughts will go to this day as I have counted every moment from then to the day I would be reunited with my Father. My first memory is of my father lying in his casket in a funeral home parlor. He was 24 and I was 5. I have ached and screamed internally every day for 38 years. My world went dark.
Robert Weyer was a vivacious, funny, and wild spirited 24 year old young man. He lived fast and died young. Dad was married at the age of 19 with a daughter on the way. He graduated high school and took police training to become a Patrolman in our small town in Kenton, Ohio. He even went on to a part-time Chief of Police position in Alger, Ohio when the world came crashing down.
On September 16, 1979, my Father was picking up a friend at a bar. His headlights malfunctioned on his car, so he got out to open his hood and attempt to repair them. It was at that time, an impaired driver crossed the center line and crashed into Dad, pinning him against his own car. The impaired driver tried to run, but was stopped by witnesses. Dad was transported by ambulance, as life flight did not exist at that time, two hours away to The Ohio State University where he and his doctors fought for his life for 12 hours. Dad succumbed to his massive injuries I am his only child. I never got to say goodbye. I was fast asleep in my little bed as my Father lay dying.
The impaired driver that killed Dad received no jail time and went on to reoffend hitting an Amish family, changing their lives forever leaving their Father paralyzed.
My life and those of my children are forever changed by someone who chose to drink and drive.
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My cousin Tom was at a boys and girls club dinner party May 6, 1981 .. he had too much to drink and called his wife to pick him up. He waited on the side walk with 2 other guys .. he was sent flying head first into the middle of a dark four lane road, by the time his wife got there there were lights and sirens every where. The man that hit him kept going thinking he hit a bump in the road.. by the grace of God the car behind him followed him to a motel and called the police … Tom was awesome, funny, involved in his community, just got married three years earlier .. to this day I honor him by never drinking and driving .. I am everyone’s DD any time day or night !!