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We Save Lives Congratulates Danielle Branciforte for receiving the 3D Badge of Courage

We Save Lives and its partners congratulate Danielle Branciforte for receiving the 3D Badge of Courage Award

Danielle has done more to combat dangerous teen driving in Florida than all other organizations put together. She is an inspiration to many as she overcomes all obstacles when making sure that the Florida schools learn about the programs she represents. She is stubborn and determined and excels at networking and bringing people together increasing their effectiveness and outreach. When she finally retires in January of 2018, Florida will have a void that will be tough to fill. She will be greatly missed by many including We Save Lives.

Danielle Branciforte spent 25 years teaching education and college success skills at community colleges and Florida State University; and has been nominated 8 times to receive a Professor of the Year Award. She later served as the marketing director of International Programs at Florida State University and increased their study aboard student participation by 75%. For the last 10 years, Ms. Branciforte has led the charge on teen traffic safety initiatives in the state of Florida. In her capacity as the state coordinator for Florida SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) and as the leader of the Florida Teen Safe Driving Coalition, Danielle has been a visionary for furthering traffic safety education and awareness efforts for teens and parents in the state of Florida. In 2017, Ms. Branciforte received the National Safety Council’s Teen Traffic Safety Leadership Award, in recognition for her tremendous impact on changing behaviors that reduce teen crashes in Florida.

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